First Week at Jubilee School

Jubilee School has officially been open for one week, and it is a beautiful, beautiful thing. Children trading their worn out, stained, ripped summer clothes for brand new school uniforms and a palpable sense of pride. Parents walking their little ones to our school doors for their first day, excited about a new year. Teachers anxious to start the year in some brightly decorated classrooms, showing the tireless effort to prepare them over the past few weeks. Students standing in front of the flag every morning, heads bowed and hands folded in prayer.  Oh, how these sights have filled my heart this week.

Before I arrived in Haiti I had a lot of anxiety about whether or not I would be a good teacher, the teacher these kids deserved, but that feeling vanished the week before school started and in its place God gave me a deep sense of peace and genuine excitement. And now, after the whirlwind of the first week, teaching just feels natural to me. I am so excited to strengthen and develop over the course of this year, but already I can tell that teaching little, excited minds is the right place for me. It helps too that my class is filled with 7 children, each equally brilliant, kind, and inspiring. They have already taken to helping me learn Creole, like making me say “ale pwoisson” instead of “Go Fish” when we play class games. I am in awe of their big, sweet hearts, and how blessed I am to be able to teach and learn from them three days a week. 

I can’t wait to see how God uses this year to transform my class, our school, and our community, because I foresee big, miraculous things in store for us.

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