Christmas in America

Christmas has come and gone all too quickly, but this year was definitely one of the best. Of course my time in Jubilee leading up to Christmas got things off to a stellar start. I just wanted to take the time now that I’m back to thank anyone who cares to follow this blog of mine for making my time in the states pretty exceptional. I was blessed to spend it in two places, with my family in Sunbury and my chosen family in Pittsburgh, and I couldn’t be more grateful for the time I got to share with everyone.

One thing that struck me going “home” this year wasn’t necessarily the reactions and questions from close friends, but the genuine interest of many people I ran in to that I maybe haven’t seen or spoken to in recent years. It was encouraging to see how much people care about the work we’re doing here in Haiti, and how anxious everyone is to help. It was incredibly reassuring, particularly at Christmastime, to so clearly see that goodness. I’m especially grateful for the donations I did receive; for the suitcases filled to the top with school supplies and treats for the kids, and for the time I went to the YMCA to workout and was ushered into a room filled with toy donations and told to “pick whatever I wanted.” That goodness, the inherent selflessness I saw, it was probably my favorite thing about Christmas this year.

It was hard to leave the ones I love, as it always is and I expect always will be, but the minute my feet hit that Haitian ground I felt home again. It was a different kind of reassurance, the kind that tells me I’m adjusting. When I can come back and feel that rush of peace and comfort here, it makes it all that much sweeter. 

To anyone reading this, thanks for a wonderful Christmas break; you’re likely part of why it was so fantastic. 

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